Downloads have best quality.
Streaming Video is also below.

John Mills Reports
from Rome.

Click to watch streaming video.
(cable modem/DSL & Windows Media Player required)
Broadcast: May 2005

mills-night-smile.gif (9009 bytes)

As president, Kerry would not withdraw troops from Iraq
Democratic candidate makes comments during interview
with John Mills of KMOV-TV (CBS) in St. Louis.
Click here to watch the interview.
(High-speed connection, streaming video, April 13, 2004)

Holiday at War -- St. Louis News Coverage
(11.6MB File RealPlayer Video Download Only -- NOT Streaming)

After download, video should play automatically.
To watch in full screen, right click on the video as it plays.

American Airlines layoffs hit St. Louis-based
flight attendants hired as long ago as 1954

Video Downloads
Real Player G2 or other required
Report was first broadcast May 2, 2003 on KMOV-TV in St. Louis.

DSL/Cable Modems

File Size: 3.9MB
Click Here to Download
DSL/Cable download time: FAST
Dial-up modem takes about 20 minutes

Slower Modems
File Size: 600K
Click Here to Download
Dial-up modem takes about 4 minutes


Streaming Video
Requires Windows Media Player

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Click to Watch -

St. Louis City Hall
Bathroom Break
July 2001

Cable Modem/DSL
Slower modem 56k-Watch Now
Even slower 28k-Watch Now

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Click to Watch -

Harrier Jet Hydraulic Failure
at St. Louis Air Show

July 2001

Cable Modem/DSL
Slower modem 56k-Watch Now
Even slower 28k-Watch Now

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Cheney Under Fire
August 2000

Cable Modem/DSL
Slower modem 56k- Watch Now
Even slower 28k- Watch Now

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Hotel Discrimination - Part One
February 2000

Cable Modem/DSL
Slower modem 56k- Watch Now
Even slower 28k- Watch Now

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

Hotel Discrimination - Part Two
February 2000

Cable Modem/DSL
Slower modem 56k- Watch Now
Even slower 28k- Watch Now

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This material may not be copied, broadcast or retransmitted in any way.
Please watch me weeknights on KMOV-TV (CBS), News 4 St. Louis.
Newstips: (314) 444-6333

Website designed by John Mills.  Contents Copyright (c) 2003.